
作者:金飞     日期:2023-09-21   点击数:3529  




2009/9 - 2012/6,华中科技大学,基础医学院药理学系,博士

2007/9 - 2009/6,华中科技大学,基础医学院药理学系,硕士

2003/9 - 2007/6,华中科技大学,药学院药学专业,学士


2020/07 –至今,银河娱乐yh登录入口,药学院药理系,教授

2014/07 – 2020/06,银河娱乐yh登录入口,药学院药理系,副教授

2013/10 – 2014/06,银河娱乐yh登录入口,药学院药理系,讲师

2012/09 - 2013/10,美国University of IowaDepartment of PsychiatryPost doc




兼任Frontiers in PharmacologyJCR一区)与Frontiers in NeuroscienceJCR二区)期刊杂志副编辑。


1. FBXL19USP14双向调节室旁核CBP稳定在慢性应激致HPA轴亢奋进程中的效应研究。(国家自然科学基金面上项目;82371519;银河娱乐yh登录入口;2024/01-2027/1247万;正在进行)









本人长期致力于抑郁症病理生理机制的相关研究,对寻找新型抗抑郁靶点及筛选新型抗抑郁药物有着浓厚的兴趣。截止2023年底,已发表相关SCI研究论文54篇,其中第一/通讯作者(含共同)37篇(其中近522篇),代表作为1Mol Psychiatry(神经科学TOP期刊,精神病学TOP期刊,Nature子刊,Nature IndexJCR一区)、2Biol Psychiatry(神经科学TOP期刊,精神病学TOP期刊,JCR一区)、3Br J Pharmacol(药学TOP期刊,JCR一区)、1Pharmacol Res(药学TOP期刊,JCR一区)以及2J Affect Disord(精神病学TOP期刊,JCR一区)。此外,本人另在Int J NeuropsychopharmacolJCR一区)、Front PharmacolJCR一区)、NeuropharmacologyJCR一区)、Biochemical PharmacologyJCR一区)以及CNS Neurosci TherJCR一区)等神经/精神/药学知名期刊杂志上发表论文16篇,全为第一或通讯作者;并获市厅级学术奖3项。





4、南通市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文优秀论文奖,Antidepressant-like effects of GM1 ganglioside involving the BDNF signaling cascade in mice



(1) Huang J, Fan H, Chen YM, Wang CN, Guan W, Li WY, Shi TS, Chen WJ, Zhu BL, Liu JF,Jiang B. The salt-inducible kinases inhibitor HG-9-91-01 exhibits antidepressant-like actions in mice exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress.Neuropharmacology. 2023, 227:109437.

(2) Wang Y, Liu L, Gu JH, Wang CN, Guan W, Liu Y, Tang WQ, Ji CH, Chen YM, Huang J, Li WY, Shi TS, Chen WJ, Zhu BL, Jiang B. Salt-inducible kinase 1-CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 signalling in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus plays a role in depression by regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Nov 25, [Online ahead of print], doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01881-4.

(3) Wu ZH, Fan H, Gao SY, Jin YF, Cheng Chen,Jiang B, Shen J. Antidepressant-like activity of oroxylin A in mice models of depression: A behavioral and neurobiological characterization.Front Pharmacol. 2022, 13:921553.

(4) Tang WQ, Liu Y, Ji CH, Gu JH, Chen YM, Huang J, Guan W, Xu DW,Jiang B. Virus-mediated decrease of LKB1 activity in the mPFC diminishes stress-induced depressive-like behaviors in mice.Biochem Pharmacol. 2022, 197:114885.

(5) Ji CH, Gu JH, Liu Y, Tang WQ, Guan W, Huang J, Chen YM, Xu DW,Jiang B. Hippocampal MSK1 regulates the behavioral and biological responses of mice to chronic social defeat stress: Involving of the BDNF-CREB signaling and neurogenesis.Biochem Pharmacol. 2022, 195:114836.

(6) Chen YM, Fan H, Huang J, Shi TS, Li WY, Wang CN,Jiang B, Liu JF. Hippocampal F3/Contactin plays a role in chronic stress-induced depressive-like effects and the antidepressant actions of vortioxetine in mice.Biochem Pharmacol. 2022, 202:115097.

(7) Guan W, Xu DW, Ji CH, Wang CN, Liu Y, Tang WQ, Gu JH, Chen YM, Huang J, Liu JF,Jiang B. Hippocampal miR-206-3p participates in the pathogenesis of depression via regulating the expression of BDNF.Pharmacol Res. 2021, 174:105932.

(8) Wang Y, Gu JH, Liu L, Liu Y, Tang WQ, Ji CH, Guan W, Zhao XY, Sun YF, Xu DW, Jiang B. Hippocampal PPARα Plays a Role in the Pharmacological Mechanism of Vortioxetine, a Multimodal-Acting Antidepressant.Front Pharmacol. 2021, 12:673221.

(9) Liu Y, Tang W, Ji C, Gu J, Chen Y, Huang J, Zhao X, Sun Y, Wang C, Guan W, Liu J, Jiang B.The Selective SIK2 Inhibitor ARN-3236 Produces Strong Antidepressant-Like Efficacy in Mice via the Hippocampal CRTC1-CREB-BDNF Pathway.Front Pharmacol. 2021, 11:624429.

(10) Wang JL, Wang Y, Gao TT, Liu L, Wang YJ, Guan W, Chen TT, Zhao J, Zhang Y, Jiang B.Venlafaxine protects against chronic stress-related behaviors in mice by activating the mTORC1 signaling cascade.J Affect Disord. 2020, 276:525-536.

(11) Gao TT, Wang Y, Liu L, Wang JL, Wang YJ, Guan W, Chen TT, Zhao J, Jiang B.LIMK1/2 in the mPFC Plays a Role in Chronic Stress-Induced Depressive-Like Effects in Mice.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2020, 23(12):821-836.

(12) Zhang JJ, Gao TT, Wang Y, Wang JL, Guan W, Wang YJ, Wang CN, Liu JF,Jiang B. Andrographolide Exerts Significant Antidepressant-Like Effects Involving the Hippocampal BDNF System in Mice.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2019, 22(9): 585-600.

(13)Jiang B, Wang H, Wang JL, Wang YJ, Zhu Q, Wang CN, Song L, Gao TT, Wang Y, Meng GL, Wu F, Ling Y, Zhang W, Li JX. Hippocampal Salt-Inducible Kinase 2 Plays a Role in Depression via the CREB-Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1-cAMP Response Element Binding-Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Pathway.Biol Psychiatry. 2019, 85(8):650-666.

(14) Song L, Wang H, Wang YJ, Wang JL, Zhu Q, Wu F, Zhang W,Jiang B. Hippocampal PPARα is a novel therapeutic target for depression and mediates the antidepressant actions of fluoxetine in mice.Br J Pharmacol. 2018, 175(14):2968- 2987.

(15) Ni YF, Wang H, Gu QY, Wang FY, Wang YJ, Wang JL,Jiang B. Gemfibrozil has antidepressant effects in mice: Involvement of the hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor system.J Psychopharmacol. 2018, 32(4):469-481.

(16)Xu DSun YWang CWang HWang YZhao WBao GWang FCui ZJiang B. Hippocampal mTOR signaling is required for the antidepressant effects of paroxetine.Neuropharmacology. 2018, 128:181-195.

(17) Wang H, Zhao Y, Wang YJ, Song L, Wang JL, Huang C, Zhang W,Jiang B. Antidepressant-like effects of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside in mice: Involvement of BDNF signaling cascade in the hippocampus.CNS Neurosci Ther. 2017, 23(7):627-636.

(18)Jiang BWang YJWang HSong LHuang CZhu QWu FZhang W. Antidepressant-like effects of fenofibrate in mice via the hippocampal BDNF signaling pathway.Br J Pharmacol. 2017, 174(2):177-194.

(19)Jiang BSong LWang CNZhang WHuang C, Tong LJ. Antidepressant-Like Effects of GM1 Ganglioside Involving the BDNF Signaling Cascade in Mice.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2016, 19(9).

(20)Jiang B, Huang C, Chen XF, Tong LJ, Zhang W. Tetramethylpyrazine Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects in Mice Through Promotion of BDNF Signaling Pathway.Int J Neuropsychopharmcol. 2015, 18(8).

(21)Jiang B, Huang C, Zhu Q, Tong LJ, Zhang W. WY14643 produces anti-depressant-like effects in mice via the BDNF signaling pathway.Psychopharmacology. 2015, 232(9):1629-1642.

(22)Jiang BWang FYang SFang PDeng ZFXiao JL, Hu ZL, Chen JG. SKF83959 produces antidepressant effects in a chronic social defeat stress model of depression through BDNF-TrkB pathway.Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014, 18(6).

(23)Jiang BWang WWang FHu ZLXiao JLYang S, Zhang J, Peng XZ, Wang JH, Chen JG. The stability of NR2B in the nucleus accumbens controls behavioral and synaptic adaptations to chronic stress.Biol Psychiatry. 2013, 74(2):145-155.

(24)Jiang BXiong ZYang JWang WWang YHu ZL, Wang F, Chen JG. Antidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside Rg1 are due to activation of the BDNF signalling pathway and neurogenesis in the hippocampus.Br J Pharmacol. 2012, 166(6):1872-1887.