
作者:金飞     日期:2021-10-26   点击数:2243  

姓    名:吴锋

电    话:138-6295-8297                                                                 

邮    箱:wf619@ntu.edu.cn



1998.09 - 2003.06   南通医学院        临床医学            本科

2006.09 - 2009.06   南通大学           药理学          硕士研究生

2011.09 - 2015.06   苏州大学           药理学          博士研究生

2016.03 - 2018.03   美国纽约州神经发育障碍基础研究所      博士后


2003.08 - 2009.06   银河娱乐yh登录入口         医学院药理学教研室         助教

2009.07 - 2015.07   银河娱乐yh登录入口         医学院药理系               讲师

2015.08 - 至今      银河娱乐yh登录入口          药学院药理系             副教授




1、  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:鱼藤酮影响溶酶体膜通透性引发α-突触核蛋白自噬性降解障碍导致帕金森症的机制探讨(31300893),起止时间:2014.01-2016.12,项目负责人。

2、  南通市应用基础研究计划课题:鱼藤酮抑制alpha-synuclein自噬性降解导致帕金森症的机制探讨(BK2012094),起止时间:2012.07-2014.06,项目负责人。

3、  南通市应用基础研究计划课题:TIGAR蛋白通过溶酶体保护作用防治帕金森病的机制探讨(JC2019038),起止时间:2019.07-2021.06,项目负责人。



1、  大学生创新训练计划项目(国家级),TXNIP引发星形胶质细胞糖酵解障碍在阿尔茨海默病中机制探讨,起止时间:2023.05-2025.05,指导老师。


1.      Chu, D., Lei L., Gu S., Liu, F., Wu, F.*. (2024). Dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A promotes the inclusion of amyloid precursor protein exon 7, Biochem Pharmacol, 23:116233

2.      Chu, D., Yang, X., Wang, J., Zhou, Y., Gu, J. H., Miao, J., Wu, F.*, Liu, F.*. (2024). Tau truncation in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease: a narrative review. Neural Regen Res, 19(6):1221-1232.

3.      Zhou, W., Yang, X., Wang, H., Yao, W., Chu, D.*, Wu, F.*. (2023). Neuronal aerobic glycolysis exacerbates synapse loss in aging mice, Exp Neurol, 371:114590.

4.      Ge, J., Lin, H., Yang, J., Li, Q., Zhou, J., Qin, Z., Wu, F.*. (2021). TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) ameliorates lysosomal damage in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine-mediated mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Toxicol Lett, 339, 60-69.

5.      Ding, W., Lin, H., Hong, X., Ji, D., Wu, F.*. (2020). Poloxamer 188-mediated anti-inflammatory effect rescues cognitive deficits in paraquat and maneb-induced mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Toxicology, 436, 152437.

6.      Dong, H., Qin, Y., Huang, Y., Ji, D., Wu, F.*. (2019). Poloxamer 188 rescues MPTP-induced lysosomal membrane integrity impairment in cellular and mouse models of Parkinson's disease. Neurochem Int, 126, 178-186.

7.      Zhang, Y., Wu, F., Iqbal, K., Gong, C. X., Hu, W., Liu, F.*. (2019). Subacute to chronic Alzheimer-like alterations after controlled cortical impact in human tau transgenic mice. Sci Rep, 9, 3789.

8.      Gu, J., Wu, F., Xu, W., Shi, J., Hu, W., Jin, N., Qian, W., Wang, X., Iqbal, K., Gong, C. X., Liu, F.*. (2017). TDP-43 suppresses tau expression via promoting its mRNA instability. Nucleic Acids Res, 45, 6177-6193.

9.      Hu, W., Wu, F., Zhang, Y., Gong, C. X., Iqbal, K., Liu, F.*. (2017). Expression of Tau Pathology-Related Proteins in Different Brain Regions: A Molecular Basis of Tau Pathogenesis, Front Aging Neurosci, 27:9:311.

10.    Wu, F., Xu, H. D., Guan, J. J., Hou, Y. S., Gu, J. H., Zhen, X. C., Qin, Z. H.*. (2015). Rotenone impairs autophagic flux and lysosomal functions in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience, 284, 900-911.

11.    Wu, F., Wang, Z., Gu, J. H., Ge, J. B., Liang, Z. Q., Qin, Z. H.*. (2013). p38(MAPK)/p53-Mediated Bax induction contributes to neurons degeneration in rotenone-induced cellular and rat models of Parkinson's disease. Neurochem Int, 63, 133-140.